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Mapped drives not available when using ‘Run as Administrator’ (Windows 7)

Windows Registry Fix: 
new DWORD: ‘EnabledLinkedConnections’ set to 1

I had mapped several remote compuers to local drives and I discovered that when I tried to run any application as administrator in Windows I could no longer access those drives (seriously, try it with the command prompt).

PsExec Error: “Access Denied” (Windows 7)

Windows Registry Fix:
new DWORD: ‘LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy’ set to 1

If you are trying to send commands to a remote computer with PsExec and are getting an “Access Denied” error even though you have the proper credentials and have already enabled file and print sharing, you need to set the Admin$ share on the remote computer first. This can be done with the registry key specified above.

If you want to be sure that the error is caused by the Admin$ share not being set, you can run a packet sniffer like Wireshark on the remote machine. You should see that the ‘Access Denied’ message happens right after Admin$ share is requested.

*** Please note that this ‘fix’ will leave the remote computer with an Admin$ share that is open to anyone and is therefore not recommended in most situations.